We accept HSA/FSA payments & AfterPay (installment plans) for Ultrasound Services.
We accept HSA/FSA payments & AfterPay (installment plans) for Ultrasound Services.
This really depends on what you’d like to see. Many moms like to have more than one 3D ultrasound to see baby at different stages.
14-20 Weeks: Great time to find out the baby's gender
20-25 Weeks: This is a fun time for 3D ultrasound video. Baby is very active & small enough to see most of their body at once. If baby is awake, you'll watch him/her kick, wave, grab feet, etc! However, baby will likely be breech which is not ideal for 3D/4D ultrasound face pictures.
26-31 Weeks: This is the best time to get the close-up, detailed pictures of your baby's face in 3D/4D/HD ultrasound. Generally by this time baby is head down, which is ideal. Baby looks more like a newborn & the cheeks have filled in nicely with fat.
Please NOTE: If you have an anterior placenta, it may add some difficulty seeing baby in 3D the further along you are.
We are an ELECTIVE ultrasound imaging facility. We require all expecting mothers to be under a doctor’s care before any appointment is made.
Did you end up being too early? Come back within 2 weeks of your appointment for $28.
3D 4D ultrasound is VERY dependent on how your little bee is positioned and the amount of fluid around baby's face. If you have an anterior placenta, it may add some difficulty seeing baby in 3D the further along you are.
If you are having twins, an additional $25 will be added to your service.
If you are having twins, an additional $25 will be added to your package.
If you are having twins, an additional $25 will be added to your session as we need more time to visualize baby
May be added to any package at time of service.
Heartbeat Animal
35+ WEEK
Baby Bee 3D's availability is contingent upon our schedules during the week and weekend. Our scans are strictly by appointment only. We will do our best to accommodate a time that will work for you-- Call or message us today to schedule your ultrasound scan! Servicing near Fort Worth
Copyright © 2023 Baby Bee 3D Ultrasound, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
Baby Bee 3D Ultrasound does not have a medical provider on site and cannot diagnose, provide medical advice, or offer medical care. Any information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute
for professional medical advice.
By participating, you acknowledge that Baby Bee 3D Ultrasound is not liable for any medical issues that may arise. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for any health concerns.
*** Our office will be closed March 12-20th, there will be a delay on return calls during these dates, booking online will still be available. If you have further questions email us at info@babybee3d4d.com. We will get back with you as soon as possible.